In many countries, there are designated lanes for cars with more than one passenger - also known as carpool lanes. 

Carpooling basically is sharing a person's car to commute to work or school in the same area. Most cars can carry up to at least 5 people. It makes little sense for 5 people who are traveling from the same place to the same place in 5 separate vehicles. The ingenious idea of carpooling means that 5 people can ride in 1 car, reducing the number of cars on the roads and of course, carbon emissions. 

If walking or taking public transport to work or school is out of the question for you, carpooling is a fantastic alternative. 

Benefits of carpooling:
1. You save money when you share a ride to work. Divided among 5 people, the cost of fuel is significantly less than if you drive alone. 
2. Of course, carpooling is extremely beneficial to Mother Nature. With the reduction of the number of cars on the road, carbon emissions are notably cut down. Hence, it helps to ease air pollution.
3. With less cars on the road, it means less demand for parking spaces. Building car parks take up time and space, which could be used to build parks or plant trees instead.

How to carpool?!
Carpooling can sound scary if you're not used to the idea. But fret not, carpooling does not mean you have to ride with strangers. An easy way to find people to carpool with you, if you are afraid of carpooling with strangers, is through your colleagues at your work place, or classmates in school. Ask around to find out who lives close by to you, and try to set up a carpooling schedule that is convenient for all of you.

If there's nobody in your work place or school that lives in your area, try alternative ways of meeting new people who are interested in carpooling. Thanks to technology, there are now websites and even smartphone applications that can help you find the perfect carpool partners. For example, locally there are websites such as www.singcarpool.com, and www.myridebuddy.com. At the same time, you can make new friends along your carpool journey!