Move over, plaid shirts and Ray-Ban wayfarers, the latest must-have hipster accessory is the bicycle.

No longer just a form of transport for old men going to the market, the bike is making a comeback as the choice of wheels for youths.

One of the hippest cities in the world, Copenhagen, Denmark (picture on left) has 36% of the population commuting to work or school by cycling everyday. In fact, more people commute by bicycle in Copenhagen than bike commuters in the whole United States. The Danish government makes it easy for citizens to be eco-friendly by ensuring that there are bicycle lanes along all the roads in Copenhagen.

There are heaps of benefits to using a bicycle as a main form of transport.

1. Bikes use ZERO FUEL and ZERO ELECTRICITY. Everything is powered by the energy of your legs. That means zero carbon emissions! Cycling 10km to work saves 1.3 tonnes of greenhouse gases emissions per year.
2. Free parking. Park your bike for free almost anywhere. What parking tickets? Most MRT stations and bus interchanges also have a designated area for cyclists to chain their bikes.
3. Get your daily cardio in as you commute to work or school. Pretty soon you will have legs comparable to Blake Lively's.
4. It's cheap. Everyone knows owning a car in Singapore is extremely expensive. The COE, fuel costs, maintenance... Bikes, on the other hand, is fuss-free and you hardly have to ever fork out additional costs.

JGL makes cycling look cool in Premium Rush (2012).
There's no reason why Singapore cannot follow in Denmark's footsteps in making Singapore a cyclist-friendly and subsequently, environmentally-friendly city. Not to mention, Singapore is a very small city - it is not impossible to cycle from place to place.

Cycling is a great alternative to driving a car or even taking public transport. All it takes are a bike, a road, and a will to cycle on.

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